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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to Disable Themes in Windows 7

Windows 7 Premium and above include the Windows Aero theme as the default desktop theme. Visual styles can be pleasing to the eye and provide a sleek modern look to the desktop environment. However, Windows themes may not always be practical. Fortunately, Windows 7 themes can be switched or for added control and performance, desktop themes can be completely disabled.

This guide will show how to disable desktop themes using the Windows Services.msc console in three steps:

* Locate Services.msc with the Search programs and files dialog box in the start menu
* (Alternate method) Open Services.msc from the Control Panel
* Stop the Themes service
* Disable the Themes service for the Windows desktop

Key Benefits to Disabling Windows Themes

* Increase computer performance
* Free up memory (RAM)
* Prevent other users from changing the default Windows desktop

Locating Services.msc with Search Programs and Files Dialog Box in the Start Menu

1. Click the blue Windows logo located on the left side of the taskbar
2. In the Search programs and files dialog box located at the bottom, type "services.msc"
3. After a few moments, Services should be visible under the programs menu
4. Single-click the Services link in the start menu
5. The Services.msc console opens

(Alternate Method) Locating the Services.msc Console Through the Control Panel

To locate Windows services through the Control Panel:

1. Click the blue Windows logo located on the left side of the taskbar
2. Select the Control Panel button located on the right side of the menu
3. Click System and Security located in the top left corner
4. Click Administrative Tools located near the bottom of the Control Panel window
5. The Administrative Tools window appears listing available tools
6. Double-click Services to open the Services.msc console

Stop the Themes Service

1. Each service is listed in alphabetical order, scroll down to locate the service labeled "Themes"
2. Select to highlight the Themes service
3. Two options appear on the left side of the box: Stop the service and Restart the service
4. Click Stop the service
5. The desktop should automatically revert to the Windows Classic desktop

Disable the Themes Service for the Windows Desktop

Even though the Themes service is stopped, the user must set the service to be disabled. If this is not done, the service will start automatically when the computer restarts.

1. With the Themes service highlighted, right-click on the selection
2. In the the menu, select the Properties menu option
3. With the Themes Properties window open locate the Startup type drop down box
4. click the drop down box and select disabled
5. When finished, click the Apply button

The Windows 7 desktop themes will now be disabled. In the future, if the user tries to select themes, only the Windows Classic desktop will be available.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Windows 7 Tricks: 3 Amazing Keyboard Shortcuts Navigation

1. Minimize Multiple Inactive Background Window in a Single Click

Suppose you are working on an important document but the other inactive but open windows are sneaking in from behind. It may be very distracting however silly may you find. So, what do you? Do you minimize all with Windows+D and then resurface the current one? No. There is a shorter way in Windows 7.

Simply hit Win+Home to minimize all the non-active background windows, keeping the window you’re using in its current position. When you’re ready, press Win+Home again to restore the background windows to their original locations.

2. Use Hot Keys for Applications

Did you know that you can rearrange the icons in the taskbar of Windows 7. What’s particularly nice is that once they’re reordered, you can start a new instance of any of the first five icons by pressing Win+1, Win+2, Win+3 etc I press Win + 5 and there comes my GOM player! Very cool.

3. Launch Administrative Privilege for any Application through Shortcuts

Suppose you are working on some program and suddenly you see that you don't have administrative privileges to do that particular operation. What do you do then? Switch account? No.

Just press CTRL+Shift and then click the icon you want to have admin privilege of. It will come up with full administrative privilege assuming you have the permission or the security rights.